Friday, May 14, 2010

Day Two

Day Two went much better than day one.  I was able to stay a lot more motivated.  Oliver was FANTASTIC yesterday and I got to take a 2 hour nap!  Plus I got some of my Flylady stuff done, laundry is back on track (which is a HUGE deal for me) and I was also much more responsible with my points. 

The highlight of my day, besides catching up the laundry, had to be dinner.  I used the recipe builder on weight watchers and input all the ingredients and directions for my chicken noodle soup.  To my surprise, it was only 4 points per serving based on 10 servings.  YAY!  And actually we ended up getting 13 servings out of it so now I am sure that 4 points is a good estimation.

Water intake is going well and I've even managed to squeeze in a little exercise.  I'm being very conservative with my points today because I have big plans for dinner.  I am going to have my favorite queso dip.  It's 3 points per serving (plus 3 points for the chips per serving) but you know how easy it is to down chips and dip.  I could probably eat 5 servings easily but I'm going to have to stop with 2.  No more than 12 points on one of my favorite foods.  And in reality, I should probably even limit it to 1.5, but we are having a light dinner and I plan drinking a ton of water, as well as not eating it too late at night.  Some exercise is also in my future since tonight Charlie is planning on going to a flag ceremony at the baseball field and it will be the perfect time for me to take a walk in the park with Oliver...the cutest, sweetest baby in the whole world!  I may be a little biased in that respect but he is absolutely wonderful.

Time to go make Oliver some lunch so he can get to naptime and I can work on some more cleaning.


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